My Ziyad…

Hari ni masukla hari ke-4 menyambut ramadhan dengan demam, sore throat n sakit2 badan. Alhamdulillah…Semalam is the peak of my unwellness…sampai kene amek MC la….Alhamdulillah…today I’m feeling much-much better….walaupun masih ada rasa tak sehat tu…tapi da bolehla datang keje..
On my last post, I did mention about the kerenah of my 2nd boy on his first attempt on fasting for one whole day  kan…Alhamdulillah sepanjang 3 hari puasa ni, takderla dengar dia merungut apa-apa…..Petang semalam, lepas dia balik sekolah, dengan bangganya dia bagitau ‘cepat jer nak buka kan mama, Ziyad tak penat pun’…So me, yang nak memboostkan semangat dia tu pun cakapla ‘tu la, tak rasa haus pun kan’….and then he me told about his Malay class mate who has not been fasting even for a day…Not to make him look down on his friend I told him that maybe there’s a reason why his friend did not fast.
Tiba-tiba tadi his class teacher called my partner bagitau that he’s been crying because of  stomachache. My partner mintak la the teacher bawak dia pegi kantin to eat something and if the pain doesn’s stop, nampaknya kenala my partner balik and  bawak dia pegi klinik …Ya Allah..lindungilah anakku…Hopefully its nothing serious…
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