What is going on???

Hi…hi…hi…..! Wowww….when was the last time I posted something? seems like its been quite a while right…. Remember when I told you guys about taking the kids for a camping trip…It was a huge success…everybody loved it and they keep asking about returning to Chiling again…(did I happen to mention that the placed we camped called chiling?) If I did not, well know you know it….hehehe….The placed called Chiling Fish sacntuary….I’m not going to tell you how to get there or what to expect there because you guys can googled that up and voallaahh…..you’ll find a lot of other bloggers describing about this reallly, really cool place.(The truth is… I’m not very good at giving direction or expalining things….hehehe)…but on my next post, I’ll share with you guys pictures taken there…people said, picture tell a thousand story right…But one thing you can trust me….the place is a very, very, very beautiful place….And I’m sure that we will return to chiling again soon.

Enough for know I think…just wait for the pictures ok….Its going to be called “our chilling(Chiling) Adventure…”

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