Ladies Night Out….

After a while, finally last night me and my two girlfriends manage to chilled out at Chawan cafe in Bangsar…. We were really having a good time chatting, gossipping(ehm..ehm.. it won’t be complete without this right….) eating etc..etc….

Here are some pictures from last night….

Red velvet cake….this one was bought at citrus cafe in Bangsar village….Someone told us that citrus cafe’s red velvet is so good and taste so rich….You know as the saying goes, curiosity kills the cat…Well this was bought not because we really wanted to eat red velvet cake at the first place but its more to satisfying the curiosity inside… And the result….well, all I can say is that theres nothing really special with it(this is an honest opinion you know…no biasness here) except for having to pay RM12.90 for a slice….But…that’s my personal opinion…You know….different people comes with different opinion and I totally respect others opinion….

                                                                 Enjoying the food

                                                                      Our drinks…… Thanks guys…hope we can do this again soon……

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